Pro s’Hagen-Huus z’Nendla
The media regularly report on developments at Hagen-Haus.
Hagen-Haus interview with Marcus Büchel
Liechtensteiner Volksblatt, 17 December 2020
Nendler Hagen House becomes a centre for classical music
Liechtensteiner Volksblatt, 16 December 2020
Hagen House can finally be renovated
Liechtensteiner Vaterland, 16 December 2020
Press conference on the occasion of the signing of the contract
Liechtensteiner Vaterland, 16 December 2020
New hope for an old house
Liechtensteiner Vaterland, 27 September 2019
The Humbi House in Triesen
Liechtensteiner Vaterland, 10 September 2019
Kulturhaus Rössle as an example of how it could work
Letter to the editor by Dr Marcus Büchel in the Liechtensteiner Volksblatt, 17 November 2018
A place of culture and encounters
Letter to the editor by Dr Marcus Büchel in the Liechtensteiner Vaterland, 17 November 2018
Michael Gerner on Clunia and Hagen House in Nendeln
The country should grab this bargain
Liewo interview, 9 December 2018
Radio L: Interview about the Hagen House
20 October 2016 Open day
Municipality of Eschen rejects purchase!
Volksblatt on 10 May 2016
Sleeping beauty's slumber should come to an end
The Pro 'sHagen-Huus z'Nendla association is committed to the preservation and meaningful use of the listed 180-year-old Nendler Hagen House. Yesterday, interested residents gathered for an extended foundation and information meeting. Head Günther Kranz and the chairman of the cultural commission, Albert Kindle, were among the interested parties.
read more
Pro Hagen-Haus association founded: "Now it's time to get started!"
NENDELN - The extended founding meeting of the new association "Pro s'Hagen-Huus z'Nendla" was held on Thursday. The association is committed to the renovation and public use of the crumbling farmhouse.
The "Pro s'Hagen-Huus z'Nendla" association had already been founded in advance, but yesterday the board, with President Irene Lingg-Beck and other well-known names (see photo), presented itself to the public for the first time.
Founding meeting, 17 December 2015
Invitation to the founding meeting of the "Pro s'Hagen-Huus z'Nendla" association
Everyone who cares about preserving the Hagen House is cordially invited to the founding meeting of the "Pro s'Hagen-Huus z'Nendla" association on Thursday, 17 December 2015 at 19:00 in the Weinstube restaurant in Nendeln.
Liechtensteiner Volksblatt, 7 November 2015
Community welcomes revitalisation of the Hagen House
NENDELN - What will happen to the Hagen House in Nendl? The municipal council sees a need for action, but as the building is privately owned, it remains to be seen.
Liechtensteiner Vaterland, 30 Oct 2015
What next for the "Hagen-Huus"?
Last weekend, the film "s' Hagen Huus z' Nendla" was shown for the first time in the assembly hall of Nendeln primary school. There was enormous interest from the public and the response to the film and the intention to preserve the historically valuable ensemble was very positive.
read more, 30 October 2015
Hagen Huus should not crumble any further
NENDELN - The interest in the "Hagen Huus" is enormous. Now the circle of friends formed around Walter Matt will soon be forming an association.
Liechtensteiner Volksblatt, 23. Oktober 2015
«Juwel von Nendeln» vor dem Zerfall?
Hagen-Haus-Filmpremiere-NendelnNENDELN – In der Aula der Primarschule Nendeln fand am Freitagabend die Erstaufführung des Films «s’Hagen-Huus z’Nendla» statt. Filmemacher Klaus Schädler schuf ein informatives, bildstarkes Portrait über die geschichtsträchtige Hofstätte in Nendeln.
"The old house of Rocky Docky"
by Dr Marcus Büchel
In: 60plus - The Liechtenstein magazine for senior citizens
Architectural history report, April 2006
Source: Office for Culture, Monument Preservation Department
Report on the old building property Hagen, Feldkircher Strasse, 9485 Nendeln. Prepared by Peter Albertin, Winterthur, 2006
"Clunia" project: Interim report on the Nendeln core development
Extract from the minutes of the municipal council meeting 07/15
Wednesday, 22 April 2015 / 5.00 - 9.45 p.m.
Agenda item 50, page 102 ff.